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Friday, September 17, 2010

One Worry Down

Back in 2007 when I first started writing for a local paper, one question haunted me.

What if I ran out of stories?

After all, the paper never ends.  It's a story-chomping machine whose hunger is eternal.  Every time I was published, I was certain it might be the last time I was published.

What if I didn't have any more ideas that my editor liked?  What if I ran out of ideas altogether?

Well, those days are long dead.  I now have two newspapers giving me assignments and not enough time in the day to get to all of them.  My day-job just takes up too much of my well... day!  Too bad being a freelance writer doesn't cover my bills & offer health insurance.  If it did, I'd have more time to do what I want to do--write!

As soon as I get home from being an office desk jockey, I usually have an interview scheduled, notes to go over, or someone to call. At times it can be stressful because I just want to relax.

That's when I have to remind myself of how I felt in 2007. 
Three years later, with more than 120 stories under my belt and a book on the way, the anxiety I had about running out of good ideas has subsided.  At least for now....


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, Dan! I think you'll find it a great place to hang out.

  2. Thanks, Tristi! Let's hope so!

  3. I remember feeling like that, a long, long, long time ago-what if this book is all I will be able to churn out.
    Now I cannot keep up with the ideas and inspiration.
